Feb 12, 2010

Two cities, two blogs, and two artists a week

Kate Bingaman-Burt in her Portland studio.  Photo was taken by Anthony Georgis, another Portland artist featured in the interview series.

I'm so excited to tell you about this project I've been working on with Art Hound's Kate Singleton. This Monday, we are launching a six week series featuring twelve artists from Portland and Brooklyn. The interviews will showcase artists' latest works,  their work spaces, and their take on the independent art scene in Portland and Brooklyn. We're also inviting readers to join us in a dialogue about the vibrant art communities.  Hope you'll join us!

Sewing, just one of Jacqueline Bos' many talents.


  1. this is going to be great! can't wait to read them :)

    love your new header too.

  2. Thanks for noticing ;)

  3. Can't wait to see who you feature and see inside artist's studios in Brooklyn! Such a great idea Cathy!
