Sep 17, 2010

A timeless summer captured on film

The 1978 Olympus Trip 35 was a gift from a friend.  She bought it for $5 at a thrift store.  I just got my first roll developed, and I couldn't be happier.  The photos make me want to relive those summer days all over again.


  1. Stunning shots. Makes me miss the Island I use to visit ever summer as a kid.

  2. brilliant photos! love the one with the chairs ~ beautiful lines :)

  3. These photos are wonderful. They remind me off my childhood in the 70's when I grew up. In a very good way!

  4. Anonymous9/21/2010

    Man, I missed a lot! I'm so glad it takes good pictures! It was actually under $5. I only say this because I know you would appreciate it. :)
