God speaks to me through the roar of an ocean and the wind's whisper in a forest. It's a message that rings true in my heart and mind. Know that I am God.
As I stand at the edge of the land and sea, I find comfort in His never changing ways. With every crashing wave, He declares His authority- and it's good and merciful.
This is the message that I've known all my life. I cling to its power and truth when I feel the world's darkness and grief surround me.
As a pastor's wife, I am constantly encountering stories of heartbreak and suffering. Abusive relationships, neglected children, addictions, cronic illnesses, and more. It's a side of my life that's never shared on the blog, yet it's such a significant part of my life.
He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
Life is messy, and through my faith and art, I try to find clarity, order, and hope. Often times it's the simple things in life, like watching a sunset, that reminds us of our Maker and His faithfulness to us.