Creating labels with twill tape

Jul 2, 2010

My dear friend Katie likes to make things, whether it’s soap, rugs, skirts, journals, or homemade bread.  Recently, she’s been sewing pencil pouches made from vintage and reclaimed fabrics.  She needed some labels for the pouches, and I suggested stamped twill tape as a simple solution.  Twill tape comes in a variety of widths and colors, is easy to adhere to fabric, and is very affordable.  (The .5 inch tape shown above just cost 25¢ a yard!) 

To create your own labels, all you need in addition to twill tape is a stamp, ink pad, scissors/pinking shears, and iron-on adhesive.  For a more custom look, you can have a stamp made at an office supply store for a reasonable cost.
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If you’re near Sisters, Oregon tomorrow, come see Katie’s creations and my art at the Sisters Summer Faire tomorrow.  We’ll be sharing a booth at the event all day Saturday.


big.tea said... 1

Oh, so cute! I wish I could be there. I know you guys will have so much fun.

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