Creating prints of my art

Apr 9, 2010

Playing around with my new (used) printer.  I created some business cards on recycled paper.

When I first started selling my art online this past Fall, I wanted to focus on creating affordable original art.  But, lately, I have been thinking about making prints of my work. I started researching decent printers and eventually found a deal on craigslist that I couldn't pass up.  I bought an Epson 1900, which is a pigment inkjet printer.  The advantage of pigment ink is its archival quality.  Supposedly prints can last 100 - 200 years.

So, for the past week, I've had fun testing out my new toy.  For the first couple of days, I experimented printing on different inkjet papers.  I went to a local photo store and bought a couple of sample packets of Hahnemuhle and Canson fine art papers.  There were eight different sheets that I ran through the printer, all with the same image.  I was surprised to find that there really wasn't much of a difference between the different kinds of paper.  Although I really liked the weight of Hahnemuhle's Museum Etching paper, I eventually bought a packet of Hahnemuhle's Sugar Cane paper, which is made from sugar cane fibers and recycled materials.

The sugar cane paper has a textured and matte surface.  Yesterday, I decided to print a photo of the Columbia Gorge that I took just a day prior, and I loved how it turned out.  The photo looks somewhat like a painting (especially the background), which was the effect I was going for. 

Here's another photo I took on our trip to the Gorge.  The print is a little darker than the actual photograph, but I ended up liking the darker, muted colors as much as the original image.

Future printing projects I have in mind include postcards and notecards. I would also like to create a limited edition pocketbook gallery. The little books would be printed and assembled in my studio, so I'll need  to work on the logistics of all that.


honeyhuckabee said... 1

How wonderful!! I've been dreaming about a printer of my own, I currently have to get prints from SF. :-/
did you find a good deal on ink? I might have to email you for more glad you blogged about this!!

Cathy said... 2

The printer came with 14 unopened ink cartridges, so I lucked out in that sense. I've read that it gulps ink; but that's expected when printing high quality images.

There is quite the selection of printers nowadays. The one that I got is a great entry level printer for those who want to print their art themselves. So far, I'm very happy with it.

I haven't experimented with black and white photos yet. I have read mixed reviews about this printer's black and white performance.

Do email me! I'd love to share more info.

Anonymous said... 3

I'm so glad you did it! Looks great. Can't wait to see what prints hit your etsy store.

big.tea said... 4

Love the business cards. I am so glad your new printer is all you hoped it would be. I look forward to see what you create with it.

I love my pocketbook. I just sent a piece/page to my brother for his birthday. Thank you so much, again.

belinda marshall said... 5

this is exciting! it's great that you can chose from so many different papers. the colours look vibrant.
i never thought about buying a second hand printer! it's a good idea and sounds like you got a good deal.
i really love the print of the photo {second last} as well as the prints of your work :)

Kate - Art Hound said... 6

admittedly, i don't know much about printers, but everything looks great! i love the business cards- they are a perfect example of your style and aesthetic.

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