New work, "Midnight"

Aug 21, 2010

The scenic mountain ranges in Oregon never cease to amaze me.  Earlier this week, my husband took our girls backpacking in the wilderness near Mt. Jefferson.   I had some business in Bend to tend to, so I dropped them off here.

I spent the next two days with a dear friend of mine, and we had an art and projects retreat.   On the second day, I started this painting, "Midnight."  While I was working, a huge thunderstorm rolled in.  It dumped rain for the next few hours, and I couldn't help but worry about my family.

Fortunately, everyone was okay and stayed dry in the tent.  On the drive home, I enjoyed listening to all of their stories.  My husband described the beautiful lake, and the girls shared their adventures.

Yesterday, I decided to finish my painting "Midnight,"  and it took most of the day.  It was a lot of stop and go (i.e. blank stares and repainting).  The dark color palette kinda threw me off a little, but I am actually very happy with it now. 

I titled the work "Midnight" because this is what I envision the lake to have looked like at night.  A print of the painting can be found in my Etsy shop here


Anonymous said... 1

I love how it turned out. A truly inspired piece.

HomeCollection. said... 2

I just discover your blog.
I like your work, and i'm going to read your little stories!
Congrats for "Midnight", i really like it.

Jen said... 3

Hi! Following from McMurray Mania. The photo that you took of Emery is gorgeous. I also love the jeans laptop bag. You are very talented. I'll be back to read more soon!

Cathy said... 4

Marion and Jen,

Thanks for your comments! I always appreciate it when new readers say hi :)

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