Habit of Art turns one

Sep 23, 2010

A year ago today, I wrote my first post for Habit of Art.  My purpose in starting a new blog was to talk about art.  289 posts later, I feel like I have only scratched the surface.

What I've learned along the way . . .
the world is smaller than you think
blogging every day is harder than flossing every day
technology will inevitably fail you at the most inopportune moment- multiple times
there are a lot of talented people out there
who don't get enough credit
some of the most encouraging words can come from strangers
i love what i do

Thanks for reading.
(Check back tomorrow for the birthday giveaway!)


annekata said... 1

Congratulations, dear Cathy. Well written, what you've learned along the way!
Hope there will be many many more of your insightful, beautiful, informative and thoughtful posts!
Love, Kathrin

Laura Sanna said... 2

Well, Happy birthday is the least I can say! Thanks for blogging! It's so nice to have these surprising appointment with Habit of Art!

Unknown said... 3

Happy Birthday from a very proud husband!


Charissa said... 4

Whoo hoo! Happy blog-birthday. It's been a pleasure to follow your blog as a native Northwest girl (yeah, Seattle!), a fellow member of a mixed-race family, and a fan of your work. It takes a lot of discipline to write as consistently as you have. You should be proud!

April, Jennifer, Carol said... 5

Happy Birthday! I am grateful for your blog. I check it often as it both inspires and makes me smile.

honeyhuckabee said... 6

happy first birthday :)

Anonymous said... 7

A fabulous year it has been. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful art and wisdom with us all.

Jenny said... 8

Happy blog birthday! And thankyou for the continued inspiration and gorgeous works of art :) x

HomeCollection. said... 9

happy birthday!

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