Show and Tell: vessels

Oct 1, 2010

I have a weakness for small, hand formed bowls and vases.   The pieces below are the latest additions to my collection.

On the left is Rainy Day at the Sea Side from Nesting Emily.  It just arrived in the mail today, and I absolutely love it!  The other two pieces came from a local boutique called Una.   The shop is known for their stunning clothes, but they also have a stockpile of vintage and found ceramic goodies- all priced very reasonably.  These two beauties were a total of $16. 

[Shown in the first image are ceramic pieces from Pigeon Toe and Leah Nobilette, both from Portland.]


Charissa said... 1

Very cool - I like the Nesting Emily piece a lot and see how those markings relate to your aesthetic! I took a look on her Etsy shop as well - how cool that part is matte and part is glossy.

I recently wrote about a friend's first pottery attempts on my blog. She's just starting out but her joy in making is so apparent!

Cathy said... 2

Charissa, isn't Emily's collection fantastic? I noticed similar aesthetic qualities in both of our works as well, especially with the piece above. I just love everything about it: the raw markings, the reference to rain, the simple but beautiful contour, the matte and glossy finish, and the painterly strokes of blue and grey (two of my favorite colors). . .

You know an artwork is right for you when you feel like the artist made it just for you.

Anonymous said... 3

I'm a big fan of Nesting Emily's work too. Have two of her pieces so far... both very treasured!

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