Tools for the Etsy seller

Jan 11, 2011

Just a few of the many apps for the Etsy enthusiast.
I came across a great article today, "Top ten etsy web apps," written by Ashley Jennings for Design Sponge.  You might be familiar with the app Ashley and her husband designed, Favoritizer, which is a fan favorite among Etsy followers.

Ashley's post on Etsy apps is full of helpful information. If you happen to have your own Etsy shop, the article is truly a must-read.  Being the tech geek wannabe that I am, I already downloaded a couple of the apps found here, and I can't wait to try out new apps like Craftsy.  Anything to make the online shop experience more seamless gets a big thumbs-up from me!

Okay, back to right brain talk . . .


Anonymous said... 1

awesome thanks!

nesting.emily said... 2

How cool! I can't wait to play with some of them!!

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