Comparing art: Karen Margolis and Frocky Jack Morgan

Apr 13, 2011

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This stunning sculpture, Continuum, was created by artist Karen Margolis.  The clusters of pods and tulip-like shapes are made from maps and handmade papers.  If you look closely in the photos, you'll see the incredible textured effects of a soldering iron.  I have to say that those are the most beautiful burn holes I've ever seen!

The organic bunching of shapes and soft neutral tones in Continuum remind me of the fashion collection, Frocky Jack Morgan . . .

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Designer Julia Barbee deconstructs clothing to create one-of-a-kind pieces, her specialty being wedding gowns.  It's no surprise that Barbee has a background in sculpture.  Like a potter, she handbuilds and molds, but with fabric remnants!

Like Margolis' paper sculpture, Barbee's wearable creations are delicate yet bold.  Lacey hems are unfinished or asymmetrical, and embellishments are never understated.  Although I tend to lean towards the "less is more" crowd,  I could never tire looking at the intricately layered works of Barbee and Margolis.



Anonymous said... 1

Wonderful post! Love the sculptures and the dress!

Mimii said... 2

Wooh so much crazy sculptures ! I love it. Stunning !

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