why i love the oregon coast

Aug 5, 2011

We were in the mountains last weekend, and this week we were at the sea.  Destination- Siletz Bay.  On our arrival we were greeted by a group of sea lions sun bathing on the sand.  Okay, "greet" may not be the right word.  There was a lot of staring and barking involved. 

The sunset was so beautiful that night.  Sea lions and people alike were entranced by the orange glare.  I love taking pictures at this time of the day.  The golden tones are always so flattering and the shadows are dramatic.

Whenever I'm at the Oregon coast, there are a few things that are routine-  partaking in fresh smoked fish and salt water taffy (not necessarily together), collecting a rock or shell from the beach, and visiting antique stores and used bookstores

I didn't pick up any used books this time around, but I did get another stereograph.  This 1873 photograph is of a canal in Mexico City.  It's amazing how a photograph intended for the curious nearly 140 years ago can still stir adventurous hearts today. 


Janelle said... 1

the Oregon coast is fabulous, isn't it? I haven't been down that way for a few years but I love it.

Sally said... 2

Hi Cathy, I had a day at the beach today too. So enjoyed seeing your post, especially the sea lions! Nothing that fierce were I was in Golden Bay, NZ, check my blog if you're interested, Sally.

Beth Twist said... 3

One peek at your photo and I knew deep down that it was Robert's Book shop. LOVE getting lost in there. My other favorites are Little Antique Mall in Lincoln City and the Wheeler Antique Mall.

But best of all... the beach, even when it is windy and cold. Your photos capture it perfectly.

belinda marshall said... 4

how beautiful.
i really hope to make it there one day :)

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