30 works in 30 days

Jan 16, 2012

Zenith, a new mixed media painting on maple wood panel
My friends think I'm crazy.  I'm calling it a test in self-discipline.  Since January 7, I've been creating a new original work of art every day for my Etsy shop.  Today marks Day 10 of the challenge. 

I've been focusing on smaller, affordable pieces of art, which has been refreshing after a stint of working on larger wood panel paintings.  Working small allows me to experiment more with different ideas and materials, like the mini canvas panels and watercolor markers purchased a couple of months ago.  

I also found a line of maple wood panels out of New York that I'm trying out.  Due to the closing of a Portland art store in October, I lost my local source of smaller, uncradled wood panels.  The maple wood panels are quite a bit pricier (nearly double), but the material is nicer and the panels come with slots in the back for easy hanging.  

New pieces that have sold.
The 30 day project has made me sit at my art desk every day, which is one of my favorite places to be.  The challenge comes in finding enough time in the day to finish a work of art [that I like!], take pictures of it while there's decent light, and then upload it into my Etsy shop.  The schedule this past weekend was a little hairy, but I managed to get it all done.  

There is no master list or inspiration board to work from.  When I sit down at my desk, I decide at that point which substrate to use, and then I go from there.  I'm actually a little surprised that my works don't look more alike than they do.  Maybe a mini-series of art will surface in the second half of the project. 

twilight, 10 x 10 in. mixed media painting
Five pieces have sold so far, which is so encouraging.  This month, I'm trying to create a number of original works of art that are truly affordable for anyone.  I love the idea that a person can have in their home a one-of-kind art work for $40.  I realize that I may be underpricing my art, considering the time and detail I put into the smaller works.  But it brings me joy to know that people who love my art can afford to own an original.  And just so you know, I pack each one of the little works of art with as much love and care as I do the larger pieces. 

Twilight (above) and the works below are currently available.  You can keep checking back every day for new originals in my Etsy shop, or you can subscribe to the shop's feed here.  


Anna said... 1

This is amazing! I wish I could do this, but it would have to be, as you are saying with very small paintings. maybe through the summer, when I don't have school. Thank you for inspiring!

Sally said... 2

Hi Cathy, Twilight is the one that is calling to me across the Pacific Ocean, it's so beautiful. Unfortunately I will just have to admire from afar..... Seeing all your paintings makes me want to get into the studio, have to wait 2 more weeks until the kids are back at school!!

Anonymous said... 3

Wow...that's quite a grand endeavor! Congrats on completing it!

Erin said... 4

Cathy, this is so inspiring! Makes me want to paint too. It must feel so good to see one new small painting made each day. I really love your mixed media work "Night and Day". :)

Alicia C said... 5

that is in fact a great discipline. I will soon be undergoing a 90 paintings in 90 days project (if i get funding ha ha). What it does is make you really creative in ways you wouldn't expect - it also reminds me of th writers' NANOWRIMO project. good luck!

belinda marshall said... 6

wow, so impressed!
loving your colours and shapes ~ the deep blue~greens lift my spirit immediately :)

Unknown said... 7

Your work is wonderful and glad to hear you are having good success on Etsy! I struggle with my Etsy shop but want to keep it open no matter what. Its hard now but in the next year or so perhaps I can devote more time to it.
Art a day is tough but so rewarding! all the best to you!

Cathy said... 8

Thanks everyone! Alicia, I bow to you. 90 paintings in 90 days! Wow. I'm only 11 days in and my head is already spinning. Hope you get that funding!

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