Habit of Art turns three

Sep 23, 2012

Cue falling confetti and nasally kazoos, Habit of Art is a whopping three years old today! Hurray! If I could, I would pull off an Oprah moment and give each one of you a cashmere scarf and a new Pontiac Grand Prix (do they still make these?).  But, seeing that I'm not a Fortune 500 contender, an art discount it is.  From now thru the end of the month, take 30% off your entire order in my Etsy shop! To redeem your coupon, just enter ART30 at checkout.

Thanks for reading and happy shopping!  Oh, how do you like the new look?


HomeCollection. said... 1

joyeux anniversaire !

Laura C said... 2

Happy third anniversary and I enjoy your art postings as much as any cashmere scarf that Oprah might bestow upon me! I wish you the best in the next year.

LimeRiot said... 3

Happy anniversary!!

jo egan-lee said... 4

Wheee ....Happy 3rd Birthday to Habit of Art! Your blog has certainly become a habit of mine, Cathy. My eyes light up each time an email heralds the arrival of a new post. Thank you so much for writing and sharing your inspiration. Heading over to Twitter now (I like Twitter, and don't like Facebook; Twitter is great for posting articles).
Love the style of your new site - very simple, clean, nice sense of space. Well done and 3 cheers for your 3 years. Also going to your Etsy site for a treat. Tried, last night, to purchase In The Deep Dark Woods original but it doesn't ship to UK. Guess its just a bit big. So, Blue Mountain will hopefully soon be winging its way to me.
Gratefully yours, Jo

Cathy said... 5

Thanks for all your wonderful comments! Your encouraging words keep me blogging : )

Unknown said... 6

Happy Birthday ma belle! LOVE the new design, and love that pictures of the three candles. BIG LOVE, keep up your amazing work. Katie. XXX

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