Red Moon, oil painting, 18 x 18 in. |
If you are a project-oriented person like me, then you probably get utter satisfaction in checking off completed tasks on to-do lists. So you can imagine how I felt when I
finally finished
Red Moon this week. The two photos above show how the oil painting has evolved over the past few years. The initial painting was based on a memorable sunset in Hawaii. When motivation to finish the painting waned, I scraped and sanded the paint off. And I started a new scene inspired by the Columbia Gorge.
I really do enjoy working in oil, but acrylic paint lends itself more to my painting process and style right now. I like to work on a painting in concentrated times, and sometimes I am just too impatient to wait for paint to dry before layering.
Red Moon and several other original paintings (including those shown above) are currently displayed at Grand Central Bakery on Hawthorne, which is a popular walking neighborhood in Portland. There are a few local stores that carry my art prints, but this is the only place in Portland at the moment that is showcasing my original works.
Although these pieces are showing locally, they are available for purchase in
my Etsy shop.
In the midst of my recent painting frenzy, our family spent an afternoon with friends at a sweet little lake in Battleground, Washington. Being out in nature is the biggest stress reducer for me. When hiking through the forest, I can clear my head of pending deadlines and just enjoy being in the moment. It's also where I gather all my inspiration.
Looking out onto the still black lake, I knew that I was going to have to paint the scenic landscape. Here are some shots showing progress on my latest painting:
I have also been busy the last couple of weeks making new weavings.
I'm noticing that I'm drawn to bolder and brighter colors lately.
new shades for summer |
It could be the onset of spring, but I think it has more to do with 80's nostalgia. I finished off this weaving while watching Pretty in Pink with my husband. It's amazing how I can remember the lyrics to songs from 30 years ago, but, more and more, I can't remember where I set my keys down!
out and about in Portland |
I did officially turn a year older this past weekend, and so did my husband. That's us in the right photo waiting to be seated at a favorite breakfast place. It was a low key birthday, which is the way I like it. No frills and cake. Just nice cards and messages from loved ones.