Two new pieces in my Etsy shop

Mar 30, 2010

Columbia River

I just added these mixed media works, Columbia River and camping with bears.  At the moment, I'm enjoying working on smaller pieces that can be completed within a couple of hours.  I have a large oil painting in progress on an easel, but I'm waiting for another wave of inspiration.  Hopefully it'll happen in the next few weeks, I'm starting to get a little antsy.

camping with bears

Here are a couple of other pieces I worked on this week, but they didn't make the cut- for now. 


April said... 1

Camping with Bears is a great piece. I am so impressed with how often you add new- and beautiful pieces to your etsy shop. I can't wait to see your larger works Hope the wave of inspiration gets to you soon :) Again, I am inspired to get to work after looking at your blog and at the paintings in your shop... Thank you!

Anonymous said... 2

I LOVE camping with bears! I love them all actually, but that one is my favorite!

honeyhuckabee said... 3

Oh my, 'camping with bears' is soo darling! I do adore it :)

Cathy said... 4

I'm so happy to hear that you all like 'camping with bears!' There was an oh-oh moment, and that's when I decided to add the night sky (which I ended up liking better than the light background). Phew!

April, I look forward to seeing your new works in your shop!

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