Too many ideas

Nov 10, 2010

I can barely keep track of all the different projects I've started- or at least want to start.   Here's a look at the latest.

That's right, those are vintage Bingo markers, and a bag of them was delivered to my door this  morning.  When I saw them in an Etsy shop three days ago, a light bulb went off in my head.  I figured the blank wood markers would make great magnets.  I try to add a little something to all my Etsy orders, so I was thinking a few of these with every purchase might be nice. 

Seeing that I like to paint on wood, I've been wanting to do something with this guy. 

I found this wood whale in a Goodwill store at the Oregon coast. It has a beautiful contour, and I love how minimal it is.  The only markings are the carved words "Middleton, Canada" on the bottom of the piece.  I'm assuming this is where the whale was made. 

I haven't sketched out anything yet, but I'm thinking of painting waves along the bottom edge and different patterns on the tail.  I also want to create some kind of design at the top of the whale where the blowhole would be.

. . . now to just add a few more hours to my day.


Elisha said... 1

Wonderful! Love love love the bingo markers idea.

big.tea said... 2

oh my gosh! love the bingo markers! i just sent you an e-mail that is of a similar vein. hmmm. you are awesomely talented. xo

belinda marshall said... 3

love the whale!!
we are in syn today ~ just pulled out some small pieces of wood :)

Charissa said... 4

I like the bingo markers, too. I feel you with the time crunch...I am trying to ramp things up on my blog in anticipation of the holidays and it is getting a bit overwhelming. Deep breath...!

Lauren said... 5

looks like fun!

sarah jean, said... 6

gah! that whale!!!!
can't wait to see what you do with it.

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