My chalkboard wall

Feb 23, 2011

It's been over a year since I mentioned [here] painting one of our walls with chalkboard paint, and I'm happy to report that I finally did it!  I'm not sure why I waited so long, because it was a relatively painless task.  I was able to paint two coats in one afternoon, and it only took one quart of paint.  The girls had a blast drawing on it for the first time, covering as much surface with chalk as possible.  I contributed some doodles myself, and I have to say that I found it quite liberating to draw on a wall in our home.  I can understand why kids prefer walls over paper.  The whole arm is involved in the drawing process and there's a lot more space to be creative. 


HomeCollection. said... 1

i wish i have a chalkboard too!
i like that kind of wall!

Mimii said... 2

I love it too !

sarah jean, said... 3

i've been trying to get eric on board with chalkboard wall.....he's simply not there. maybe i'll show him yours and he find it inspiring (fingers crossed!)

Cathy said... 4

Sarah, I expected the paint to be a lot thicker, but it rolls on like your typical interior flat paint. Super easy to paint on, and I'm sure, to paint over when you're ready for it to be gone. Let me know how it goes!

Anonymous said... 5

LOVE IT!! I want chalkboard wall. :-) XX

Janelle said... 6

so fun! with the winter gloom around here I'm not sure I could commit to a whole wall but I really want to do an area of chalkboard paint! I even bought the paint a while ago and can't decide where/how much to do :P

belinda marshall said... 7

wow, it looks great!
wishing that we owned our house for doing things like this.
love your sketches and hanging plant :)

annekata said... 8

Chalkboard walls are wonderful. I have one in our guest, office and whatnot room. We have a futon on the floor and when guests come, I draw a fancy headboard plus the look of a poster bed. You're right, it's liberating to draw on a wall. The shelf is great, I might "borrow" the idea, even though there's no hope of looking even remotely as good as yours.

Anonymous said... 9

Ooh, I'm thinking of a chalkboard wall in the kitchen next to the kitchen table.

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