artists I like: jon jay cruson and sally cohen

Aug 18, 2011

When we were at the beach recently, my husband and I visited a local art gallery in Lincoln City.  I came across two Oregon artists whose works resonated with me- Jon Jay Cruson and Sally Cohen.  Both artists paint sweeping Oregon landscapes.

Jon Jay Cruson, Farm Country, acrylic, 48 x 48 in., White Lotus Gallery
Jon Jay Cruson, Landscape 5, acrylic on canvas, 42 x 32 in. and Landscape 6, acrylic, 41.5 x 31.5 in., Hanson Howard Gallery

I'm absolutely in love with these bold, patterned paintings of rolling fields.  Reminds me of another great American artist that I like- Grant Wood (1891 - 1942). 

Grant Wood, Young Corn, oil on masonite panel, 1931. Cedar Rapids Museum of Art

Sally Cohen's painting of the cyclist on the open road captivated me at the gallery.  The sharpness, contrast, and simplicity is striking.  Even though the scene captures a rural Oregon setting, many Portlanders would agree that the cyclist adds a familiar local element to the painting. 

Sally Cohen, On the Road to Silver Lake, 30 x 40 in., Freed Gallery

Sally Cohen, Summer Daze, oil, 36 x 48 in., Portland Art Museum


Heather - said... 1

these are completely awesome finds!! LOVE! Oregon for the win! :)

Unknown said... 2

Wow... thanks for sharing. These are beautiful paintings. It looks like the first artist takes after one of my California favorites, Wayne Thiebaud.

Cathy said... 3

Jesse, yes, I can definitely see the similarities. Thanks for making that connection.

Unknown said... 4

A friend just sent your blog and I so appreciate your comments. Jon Jay Cruson is one of my favorite artists also. My new website is Thanks again

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