Mini weaving giveaway!

Sep 19, 2013

I'm still on cloud nine from my weaving sale on One Kings Lane.  The collection sold out on the first night! I can't thank everyone enough for all the lovely comments.  And with Habit of Art turning four this Monday, there's even more reason to celebrate and run a giveaway!

This week, the mini weaving shown above is up for grabs.  For a chance to win this little handwoven wall hanging, just leave a comment below.  I'll announce the winner (randomly chosen, of course) on Tuesday, September 24th at noon

Oh, and international entries are welcome- shipping is on me.  Bonne chance!

9/24:  Number 13 was the lucky number today, so the winner of the weaving giveaway is Dee! Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments.


Anonymous said... 1

Hi! I just found your blog by Googling "what to do with Pendleton scraps"! You've inspired me.

I'm a Portlander, too.

Gregory said... 2

I love all of your work! Wouldn't mind having this little guy on my bedroom wall.

Charissa said... 3

Congrats, congrats, Cathy, that is so cool! We have been settling into our house and it's felt much homier since we finally hung the art - including your prints!

chelsea said... 4

Congratulations, so amazing! I would love to hang it in my studio!

Anonymous said... 5

Hi Cathy! I'm so excited to get my first mini cedar painting. I already have a space on my huge bookshelf to keep it safe and well presented. I would LOVE to own this mini-weaving too. Congrats on the One Kings Lane sale!

Angela said... 6

I love mini art!

Sally said... 7

Congratulations on your sell out, and your 4th blog birthday! I love your weavings as much as your paintings S:)

Muhku said... 8

Congratulations on selling out so quickly! Your weavings and paintings are so beautiful and inspiring! :)

Sasha said... 9

Four is always a good age! as is 40...

Happy Blog Birthday.

And now to prove I'm not a robot...

Michelle said... 10

Here I am to convince you to give it to meeeeeeee! 1) I love your stuff. Duh. 2) I have had a super crappy week (month) so this would be a great pressie from the universe to tell me its all going to be ok. 3) I would hang it in my bedroom because it matches PERFECTLY.

Unknown said... 11

Since I won the last giveaway I am not in the running, but wanted to tell you how beautiful your weaving is! Weave on!
Take care,

anika said... 12

Congratulations on 4 years! Also very happy your sale went so well. I've really enjoyed watching your weaving style unfold, and would be honored to have one of my own!

Anonymous said... 13

Happy 4 years! and thanks for this opportunity:]

Your work is so beautiful and inspiring!

Thank you for doing what you do,

Dee Stecco

big.tea said... 14

Congratulations on the sold out sale! Happy 4th! I am happy to have seen your weavings unfold. It's inspiring me to wanna weave, too! xo

Unknown said... 15

Congratulations! I'm always inspired by your work, and can appreciate the time and patience you must put into every weaving (even the "mini" ones!)

<3 Jenna

Lauren Beacham said... 16

Love your work and would love to add this beautiful little weaving to the growing collection I have of your work :)

Yvonne said... 17

How wonderful that the sale went so well and congrats on turning four ;) Lovely weaving!

passifleur said... 18

this "bonne chance" is for me, i'm french!! thanks for this giveway, love your work.

Judit said... 19


i love the things you do....and this would hang gorgeous in my place in barcelona!

Amber Baker said... 20

Congratulations! I'd love to have a piece of yours hanging in my home.

sadie said... 21

So lovely-and glad to hear that your work sold out so quickly! Would love to hang this piece in my home.

dawn said... 22

Congratulations on your sold out show. How wonderful for you.

Natalie said... 23

Your work is beautiful, your blog is inspirational! May you continue to attract success and all things that reflect your heart.

Unknown said... 24

Yay !! SOld out !! Congrats !! They are fantastic !!

Louise said... 25

Cathy! I will jump on this opportunity...sweet husband and i have lived in our house for two years and still have nothing on the walls. I have been meaning to remedy that...this beautiful wall hanging would be beyond perfect. Also, many congrats on the show- not surprising however, your work is one of my favorite things to look at!

only daydreaming said... 26

it doesn't surprise me at all that your collection sold out so fast. your amazing art is only second to amazing you. :)

happy blog bday!

Berit said... 27

Wauww, well done. (:

Gill said... 28

Congratulations!! and thank you for your lovely giveaway! This would look so good on my wall here in England!

Frances Marin said... 29

Congratulations! That's wonderful. These weavings are so pretty.

Jo said... 30

Wow, congratulations, love your artworks.

Linda K. said... 31

Congratulations! I love your weavings.

Jennifer Allison said... 32

happy to hear of your success (how thrilling!)...and would adore making this wee weaving my own. throwing my 'pick me' card into the pot. :)

Melissa DeHonney said... 33

Just received my weaving from the OKL sale ... for those who haven't purchased on of Cathy's weavings yet, please note that they are even more beautiful in person. Pictures do not do them justice! Thanks, Cathy!

Melissa DeHonney

md -at-

Susurrus said... 34

I'd love to put your colorful work of art on the wall by my computer to brighten up my day. It would fit perfectly! Thank you for bringing so much color into the world!

Abby said... 35

Cathy, I am so inspired by your work! Your attention to texture and color is so refreshing, and I love seeing your work progress! Keep doing lovely art!

situations said... 36

Congats! Your practice is gorgeous, love your work. I wish you continued success.

Cindy said... 37

This piece of art would inspire me to learn how to weave!

Karen Firus, Visual Vigilante said... 38

I discovered you through King's Lane and am now a huge color-busting, texture-bustling fan! Your designs are gorgeous and full of joie de vivre! ...Karen in Vancouver, Canada

violet said... 39

Hi Cathy it's nice to see you trying different material and making more and more art stuffs. I would love to have one by any chance. Just leave a message saying that I adore your works as usual.<3 / Violet from Taiwan

Bianca said... 40

Hi Cathy, I've been an admirer for awhile now and longtime reader of your blog. My boyfriend secretly checked out my Etsy favourites and bought a print from you for my birthday and I love it!

Anonymous said... 41

Amazingly gorgeous! Love your blog and work!

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