remembering summer

Oct 3, 2013

The transition from summer to fall in Portland has been quick and downright harsh.  September is normally a glorious month in Oregon, so I feel ripped-off that we've been pounded with torrential downpour for days on end.  Flooding in the basement- what?! That normally doesn't happen until November.

I really dislike the word soggy, and yet that may be one of the better descriptors for the Pacific Northwest right now. 

If I could, I would will summer back.  But, the best that I can do is flip through my photos and try to hold onto some of the most cherished memories of my year. 

Here are some snapshots I took on our summer trip to the Olympic National Park  . . .


Caitlin said... 1

I love the first one... and the stone sculptures, LOVE :)

Sally said... 2

Beautiful! Apart from the flowers and wildlife your part of the world is very similar to the wilderness part of my world! When I lived on the West Coast (of the South Island) I remember locals would say "you can't have rainforests without rain"! It gets quite soggy there too. S:)

Clare said... 3

Your photos are so gorgeous! They beautifully capture a summer well spent.

I know what you mean about the sudden shift of the barometer here. Really?! It began to feel like the middle of winter there for a while. Hopefully we'll see some lovely fall days ahead. The trees are only just beginning to turn.

Frances Marin said... 4

Olympic National Park is one of my favorite places on earth! It's so diverse and beautifully green. You're photos capture it perfectly.

Anonymous said... 5

Just left Portland after 6 1/2 long summerless years. I am in Palm Springs and I AM NEVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, EVER!

I feel for you! I will be in flip flops until well after Christmas, then I may need socks. Maybe. lol ;)

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