Summer dreaming

Jun 14, 2014

Eagle Creek Trail, Oregon
Summer is nearly here, and you can feel the excitement in the Portland air.  Folks are showing off their dazzling white legs, and there's talk of backyard barbeques, festivals, and adventure trips in the Pacific Northwest.  

Now that the kids are out of school, I look forward to day trips to the coast and mountains.  A couple of months ago, we hiked the Eagle Creek Trail in the gorge.  The water was a little too chilly for wading, but, come July,  I'll be ready for some creek walking!

My summer schedule is quickly filling up with family and work-related activities.  Next week, I'm headed to Vermont for an art installation using food! During the Wanderlust Festival at Stratton Mountain, I'll be creating a 15 ft. mandala for Kashi using only natural food ingredients, like seeds, grains, beans, and nuts.  

I love to cook, but this is the first time I've used food to create large scale art.  It's been fun playing around with the different ingredients on our dining room table, and the vanilla bean, coconut, and cinnamon sticks make the room smell so good!

If you want to follow the the progress of my mandala art at Wanderlust Festival, I'll be posting pictures on Instagram

Lately, I've also been busy creating new work for my online shops.  Phenomenon is my newest art print, and it's available in two sizes.  

I've been wanting to mesh my mountain painting and weaving worlds for a while now, and Azure Mountain is the result of that coming together. Created on a lap loom without a drawing, the weaving process was slow-going.  But I enjoyed "painting" with yarn and seeing the piece evolve. 

Azure Mountain is currently available in my big cartel shop, as well as the weavings below.  This weekend, I'm running a free shipping promotion.  Use code HELLOSUMMER, and receive free shipping on your order. 

Weavings: Laguna, Summer Dream, Sea Breeze, Native Land


Carmen said... 1

You are an inspiration Cathy. Thanks for sharing!

Cathy said... 2

Thanks so much, Carmen : )

April, Jennifer, Carol said... 3

I love your painting/weaving! That sky!!beautiful

Unknown said... 4

Oh my goodness!!!! I am so glad I found your blog because I am so in love with all of your art!!! It is absolutely amazing!!!!!

I'm a starting artist, and I find your blog posts really inspiring :)



northierthanthou said... 5

Oh that foliage is so beautiful. Interesting project, the mandala.

Shelley Whiting's art said... 6

That mountains are that you weave are very impressive and stunning. The mandala is very magical.

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